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Just an average person with average dreams of making it averagely big as an average mother

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Omama's Journal -late morning-

Last night I watched a series of videos on Youtube. At first it was about the German Holocaust : 1st Part of Video

There are 6 videos, each plays for around 9 - 15 minutes. Terrible thing the holocaust =_= Never could grasp even the slightest logic of how and why one can be so brutal...
So anyway back to the video, as you know, we tend to "get lost" in Youtube zone.. I stroll on and landed on a series about Jasenovac camp. Not all people know about this camp, hell I sure didn't.. I just heard it yesterday too (Watch It Here)..

It is about elimination of the Serbs by the Croatian Nazis. Gruesome. When you watch the video, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Then I had this idea on my head.. One day revolution shall commence.. and when that day come, all of us who are so attached and dependent on technology will take the place of those people in the death pit. We would be invalid, unaware, uneducated.. in other words, dead whilst alive (ACK). And since we're so much so, we'd be just like farm animals.. easily herd and gathered just to be eliminated.

We should really start to live like our ancestor :
  1. Eat to live, NOT live to eat
  2. Control our tools, NOT be controlled by them (hence the Blackberry, iPad, and other epidemic)
  3. Educate our children, NOT let them do as they please for the sake of "happy childhood"
  4. Play our significant roles as men and women, NOT forcing upon equality
  5. Know, recognize, learn, understand, and do our belief in GOD. YES THERE IS A GOD.
I'm going to elaborate on this 5 pointers and add more to it in my next posts.Maybe later on the day.. or in another 5 days, or next year hehe..

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